Category : perimenopause

5 Easy Ways To Stop Worrying Right Now!

***** Much like most blogs, this blog contains affiliate links. I do not mention products that I don’t personally consume (or give to my family).  For more information, please visit my Privacy Policy page. Thanks for reading  *****

Let’s face it being a mom is tough work. Not only do you have to physically accomplish so much (like somehow being in two places at the same time, while making lunches for tomorrow), but it is also mentally draining. In addition to managing one’s professional obligations, to nurturing one’s romantic interests, and to maintaining friendships, we moms also need to do so much more.

In the midst of frantic worry, I sometimes stop to listen to the thoughts going on in my head. Like, “When are the library books due? Where are the library books? When will my kiddo make a new friend? How much money is this sport going to be? Why is my child struggling this way or that?… And the list goes on and on and on.

Luckily, I’ve learned that constant worry accomplishes nothing. It creates extra tension in the home, it increases the cortisol coursing through my body, and it wastes time. As a public speaking instructor, I know how important it is to be able to stop worry in its tracks, so a presenter is able to move passed anxiety and move toward delivering an effective speech.

Somewhere along the way, I adopted the stress-stopping techniques that I give to my students to my own everyday life, and I gotta tell you, I feel so much more productive. What’s more, it is a pretty powerful trait to be able to stop worrying whenever I want to. Consider this quote…

“A man is what he thinks about all day long.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who do you want to be all day long? Do you want to be the mom who cannot stop worrying or complaining that things aren’t working out correctly? Or do you want to be the mom who charges forward no matter the challenges that lay in front of her and her family?

Umm, I’ll take number two please! I’d venture to say that most of us would much rather be the woman who gets things done, right? So, why do we continue to worry? The truth is that there are a ton of valid things in the world to worry about, and that worry can get overwhelming quickly.

I’m here to tell you, mamma, you are right. Those worries that you have are real. You should give yourself some time each day to let your brain process your thoughts and emotions, because it is important.

However, it is also important to quiet your brain. Give yourself some time to enjoy this moment, right here, right now. Clear your brain of worry and just understand you are exactly where you should be. Worrying about where you aren’t or where your family isn’t won’t change anything about your current place in life. So why waste endless amounts of time on worry when you could be putting your brain to more positive ventures?

Now that you are onboard and know that you need to stop worrying, here’s how you can do it RIGHT NOW!

1. Turn Your Phone to Silent & PUT IT DOWN!

First of all, I bet you just giggled when you read this. Perhaps you thought something like, “Turn my phone to silent? Heck no, this chick must be crazy!” (Jury’s still out on that. lol) I never said that these techniques would be easy; I just said that they are effective. The truth is that you have to intentionally seek to quiet your brain.

If you were to consciously look around your life, where does most of your stress come from? For me, the answer was quite clear, it came from my phone. How quickly could I respond to a message, who needs something from me, who could I send a message to get something off of my plate, and so forth. My phone was making noises every couple of minutes.

One day, I just needed a break. I needed for people to not be able to get a hold of me. However, of course, I wanted to be available in case an emergency came up with my children. I couldn’t turn my phone off, but I could do the next best thing. I turned that sucker to silent! This was one of the most powerful things that I have done recently to manage my mental health. I don’t have to be at anyone’s beckon call, and no one needs an immediate answer.

As a Work From Home Mom (WFHM), I’m on call 24/7. I frequently have clients who text me last minute and ask if I can put up a quick post on their social channels. Within the last few months I’ve been contacted on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, Friday and Saturday nights at dinnertime, and on Sundays. I’m not sure about you, but those are usually pretty family-packed days and times for me. At first, when I could hear the message, I would withdraw myself from the festivities (and sometimes a large dinner that I was in charge of preparing) to go do business.

Now, I allow those messages to wait. I don’t look at my phone and interrupt those important family gatherings. I’ll put it this way, I’m never going to regret spending a few more minutes with my family, however, I might regret the converse…

Some of you might not WFH, but this technique could still apply to you. How much time are you spending on your phone searching for things and engaging in conversations on Social Media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and SnapChat? Are you overwhelmed by all of the notifications popping up all the time? I can’t stand those little red/orange circles with the numbers in them! I think, “Ah, I HAVE to respond or someone will think I’m a bad person.” But you know what? How much value are we truly getting from those interactions? Seriously…

It might be fun to catch up on the local news and gossip. Whose baby is adorable? What type of smoothie should you be drinking? What party did you not get invited to? Ugh, all time wasters!

Here, I’ll save you some time. If you live close enough, you’ll see that baby in person. Spoiler: she’s kinda cute, but not as cute as your baby. No smoothie on Earth is going to save your life (lol, only YOU have the power to do that…). And yup, you didn’t get invited to the party. Who gives a flip? Do you really want to go hang out with a bunch of people who don’t want to hang out with you. Umm, I certainly don’t.

With that said, imagine what you could do with the newfound time acquired from looking away from your phone for a bit? If you wanted to, you could pick up and visit that friend and see her cute-ish baby in person. You could experiment with smoothies and find the flavor that YOU actually enjoy. You could even find a friend who has similar interests to you and work on a plan to hang out in the real world.

Sounds pretty great, huh? It’s not that hard, and you don’t have to give it all up. Just intentionally turn away from staring at your device and responding to things as they happen. As someone who has survived turning the sound off on her phone, I gotta tell you that it feels pretty powerful having all that time back!

Maybe giving up the sound on your phone is a bit too much of a ask at this point. Maybe you tried it and are amazed by the new energy that surrounds you, so you’re looking for even more ways to clear your head. Either way, you might benefit from this next technique.

2. Shift Gears & Have a Laugh

Many years ago, we lost my brother. As those of you who have experienced this kind of loss know, the events leading up to his death changed my life. After a short, but violent sickness, my brother ended up on life support in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital where he was.

As some background information, I have an irrational fear of hospitals. I know people go in and come out fine all of time, but I get quite anxious in them. I hate the sight of blood and all the gadgets and whatnot stir something up inside of me.

So, when my brother was hospitalized, I naturally approached the hospital with all sorts of fears and anxieties even before I saw him. After a six hour drive, I arrived at the hospital in a tizzy.

Consequently, every time I tried to go into the room, I fainted. He was attached to so many machines, and all I wanted to do was hold his hand, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t get passed the machines, the hospital, all of it. It was so hard.

I called my husband (then boyfriend) to update him on the goings on. I shared with him my anxieties, and I told him I couldn’t stop fainting. I really couldn’t. And then he said, “Just stop.” I laugh/cried to him, “Just stop?!? That’s what you’ve got for me?!?” He said, “Yeah, just stop fainting, Gretchen. You don’t have a choice. You need to get in there to see him. Just stop fainting, you can worry all you want once this is over. Get in that room and go see your brother.”

I got off the phone feeling like I hadn’t been heard. Didn’t he realize how hard that was? It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to mentally manage. I took a walk. I took some deep breaths. I thought long and hard about his advice, and I decided that he was right. I needed to just do it. I had to walk into his room without fainting, so my brother would know I was there for him and that I loved him. And I did. I made the decision; I went in there; and I supported him, while I could.

Tragically, within a couple of days, he was gone. However, that moment lives on within me. I was challenged to the depths of my soul, and I experienced firsthand that I have control over what my brain is and isn’t capable of.

And so do you.

Now, I know that our daily worries don’t exactly carry the same weight as when someone is on their deathbed. However, there are some mom worries that can escalate to perceived crisis. In our home, because of the nature of our work, money tends to be a huge stressor for us. We get stuck thinking about, “How will we pay these bills, the health insurance, the mortgage, the car payments, the groceries, the bills, bills, bills?!?”

In these moments, knowing that you can intentionally shift your thinking is crucial to having strong mental health. Now, since I know that I can do this, I will identify when I’m engaging in worry, and I will just choose to shift gears. I like to turn my attention toward solutions, instead of dwelling on problems. In these moments, I will often actively search for new work or double-down on the projects that will bring more money into our home.

For some of you though, you may not yet realize that you have this power, so what are you supposed to do? Well, easy peasy! It’s time to call up your girlfriends!

What did she just say, call up your girlfriends?!? Yes, I did. And I want you to make a plan to go out with them.

What?!? You want me to spend money I don’t have and go out with my friends?!? Yes. That’s exactly what I want you do to. (((Within reason, of course. No one’s saying to plan a Vegas trip here…)))

Go grab a coffee or a couple of drinks, mamma. Hanging out with your friends is a sure-fire way to stop thinking so much about all the crap that’s bothering you and to turn your attention toward something more positive. If you can stack some laughs on top of it all, even better! Laughing naturally brighten your mood, and it’s dang hard to worry while you’re laughing.

As mothers it is very easy, especially when your children are young, to get lost in the mayhem of your family. Take a breath, it’s OK to be more than a wife, a mother, a colleague, a bill payer, you can be just YOU too. It’s OK. Trust me on this.

ASIDE: If you are in a place where you are unsure about who your “friends” are, because you are stuck between your old friends who don’t have kids yet and don’t really know any moms around you, it’s time to build some new relationships. No worries, though, trust me, there are plenty of other new moms out there who are just as eager to make new friends as you are. (Check out your local library for baby/toddler times, YMCAs usually have Mommy and Me classes, hangout at your local park and wait for someone to show up, or host something yourself. Once you look, you’ll find there are plenty of opportunities to connect with other moms.

So once you have a group of friends who you want to hang out with, make plans to connect with those people without your kids. You’ll find that taking some time to shift gears and have a laugh with some friends is such a powerful way to stop worry in its tracks.

If you are still working on developing a fun group of friends who you can call upon, when you need to shift gears, you can do the next technique RIGHT NOW!

3. Get Your Heart Rate Up

You already know that exercise can help relieve stress, don’t you? Here’s some information from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) to reinforce what you already know.

“When stress affects the brain, with its many nerve connections, the rest of the body feels the impact as well. So it stands to reason that if your body feels better, so does your mind. Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers—and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress.”

~ Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)

There it is, mamma, get moving. Now, of course, I’m not a doctor or a medical professional, so I’m not going to prescribe how you should get moving, everyone is different. Walking may work well for you, or perhaps YOU are a runner and have a need for speed. Swimming, dancing, aerobics, spinning, hiking, yoga, cross fit, are just a few of the endless possibilities you can do to get moving.

Just plan to get going every day. (It’s OK to skip a day here and there.) A few years ago, my husband got me this watch. It’s really simple to use and very affordable. Obviously, an Apple Watch or other smart watch will also, track your activity, but I wasn’t looking for another gadget to play with. I find that this watch is perfect for me, because it keeps me moving. I have a goal of 15,000 steps a day, and I check the watch periodically for the my day’s count. I don’t need to message anyone from it or use it to answer my phone. It’s simple and that’s what I love about it.

Speaking of simple, have you tried using essential oils yet? My next technique is to utilize your sense of smell to “trick” your brain into relaxing.

4. Diffuse Some Oils

Do you have any scents that when you smell them, you are instantly reminded of something? For me, anytime I smell pipe tobacco, I remember my grandfather. He died when I was quite young, but to this day, that scent will transport me right back to his lap.

That’s pretty powerful, right? I think so too, and that’s why I started using oils. Now, don’t get me wrong there are so many great benefits of using oils beyond what I am sharing here today. However, I wouldn’t dare touch on them, but in that department I am no expert.

What I will share with you today, is to find some oils that you naturally relate to peace and calm and diffuse them when you notice your mind is starting to worry. Many people like to purchase blends from doTERRA ™ and Young Living ™ consultants. If this brings you peace, go for it. I’ll tell you right now, that you have consultants near you who would be happy to help you find the right blends that will work for you. Go to your Facebook page and type in your status:

ISO of someone who can help me find the right oils to diffuse for stress relief.

I am confident that your network of friends will connect you to a consultant ASAP! If you already know scents you like, you can find tons of essential oils on Amazon. (You might want to do your research here and read the reviews, because not all oils are created equally; however, Amazon does have some nice oils that I like to use.) For me Lavender, Peppermint, and Lemon are my go-to oils, when I’m trying to shift gears and clear out my mind. Again, everyone is different, so please find something that will work for you!

Adding diffusing into your routine will give you the opportunity to consciously say to yourself, that you are giving your mind permission to relax. If you want to actively give your brain some quiet time each day, it might be time to add meditation to your daily routine.

5. Meditate

Are you wondering if I really tell my public speaking students to try meditation? Well, yes, I do. I want them to know they can train their brains to focus on the aspects of the presentation that matter to their success, rather than get wound up in the anxieties that come with presenting in front of a large crowd.

In terms of your own worries that vary from those of someone just before they walk out on stage, rest assured that you can practice meditation too! Meditation is a healing process that allows you to clear out the clutter in your brain and to bring attention to those things that you need to focus on in order for you to feel fulfilled. It is a personal journey and only you will know if it will work for you. However, I invite you to try it.

There are so many free resources out there in terms of meditation, and the practice varies on your level and on what you feel comfortable doing. For those just starting out, I recommend Jason Stephenson -> (He offers tons of FREE meditations on YouTube. Just click through, and you can select one that interest you.)

If you are interested in learning more about meditative techniques, I also recommend The Daily Meditation Podcast by Mary Meckley. (While she does have items and subscriptions that you may purchased, the daily podcast is always FREE.) I like these free meditations, because they are short, and I never feel confined to sitting in a dark space alone while I meditate. I often listen to these meditations while going for a walk or while doing dishes. This works for me!

Hopefully, you have found something today that will work for your too. The only thing left to do is to try something on this list. You are just one step away from relieving your worrying brain. Which technique will you try?

Let Me Know What Works for YOU

So, go on and get out there and give these techniques a try. When you intentionally start to direct your thoughts, I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the results.

What worked for you? What didn’t? Do you have any other techniques that you can share with me? I’d love to hear them. Let me know what they are in the comments below.

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10 Must-Know KETO Tips for Women in Their 40s

10 Must-Know KETO Tips for Women in Their 40s

Much like most blogs, this blog contains affiliate links. I do not mention products that I don’t personally consume (or give to my family).  For more information, please visit my Privacy Policy & Disclaimer page. Thanks for reading!   **This should be obvious, but I am not a doctor.  Please check with your personal medical provider, before taking something with which you are unfamiliar. Every person is different, this post is a reference of what has worked for me.  Hopefully, the ideas (and possibly products) can help you too.

So, you’re researching the KETO diet, and you should be!  In a previous post, I revealed all of my over 40 symptoms and how I combated them.  From weight gain to moodiness and everything in between, I was sure that my life as a happy-go-lucky girl was over and, now, it was time for me to become a crabby old women. I was literally heartbroken every time I stood on a scale; I had turned into an oompha loompa.  As explained in that post, I was able to halt the weight gain and feel better emotionally with many supplements, but I was never able to lose any real weight.  That was until I found the KETO diet.

Since January 1, 2018, I have lost 16 pounds, countless inches, and a ton of old clothes that don’t fit me anymore.  Good riddance! (Why do we say, “I lost weight,” anyway? It implies that I want it back. Nope, I don’t!) Ladies, let me be clear here, I lost a ton of freakin’ weight!  There are few feelings that are better than fitting into an old pair of jeans that you’ve “grown” out of.

I have to admit the KETO diet is great for me.  However, this diet is not for everyone…

A Couple of Words of Warning

First and foremost, I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  I am a regular mom, in her 40s, who has tried tons of different diets, supplements, and exercise regimes.  These tips come from my experience. They may not be an indicator of what your experience will be, because everyone is different.  Please contact your physician for questions about whether or not this diet will work for you.  Second, the KETO diet is not for everyone.  This diet takes a commitment, and it takes time.  Also, your body will undergo a substantial change in the way it metabolizes food.  

(Your body will go from being a carb burner to a fat burner.) You can read more about that transition here.  That takes several days, and you will feel sick during that time.  During your research, you will see this explained as the KETO flu. It is real and it sucks, so if you choose to do this diet be ready for it.

With all of that said, yes, I would recommend the KETO diet!  If you have tried other diets and are willing to work for it, this diet may be the answer you’ve been trying to find.

Tip #1 – KETO is a Diet not a Lifestyle

It’s true; you will be able to find some people who say that KETO is a lifestyle and not just a diet, but I vehemently disagree with them.  I look at the KETO diet as a tool to get you to your ideal weight. After you’ve attained your ideal weight, I believe it is a good idea to resume a “normal” healthy lifestyle. As I mentioned before, the KETO diet is complex, and it takes a lot of planning.  For an overview of the diet, I found this book extremely helpful.

This book, “The Everything Guide to the Ketogenic Diet,” will give you an idea of how the diet works.  (My referral link =>  Be warned, while I do enjoy the recipes in this text, there are no nutritional counts in it.  With that said, I liked the way the book was written and found it easy to follow.

Truth be told, I get most of my recipes on Pinterest.  Also, after awhile I’ve just learned what ingredients I can have and I eat those. I am a mom and I work.  Seriously, I’m just kinda busy, so I don’t spend a ton of time reinventing the wheel and trying to make awesome recipes.  People have caught me eating plain cream cheese at times.  If I’m in a rush, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.


Tip #2 – KETO is an Emotional Diet, especially if You Are Not Doing It Right

Also, from my perspective, KETO is an emotional diet.   There are ups, and there are downs.  Perhaps, this diet won’t affect you emotionally at all.  (I hope that is the case!) 

However, for me, I have found myself getting obscenely upset, like teenager upset, while on this diet.  I’ve noticed these emotional outbursts with my friends on KETO as well.  I’ve found easy-going friends who look as if Satan himself had possessed them, and happy-go-lucky friends crying it out during public events.  (((LOL! Don’t get me wrong here, mamma, we all deserve a good fight AND a good cry, but these were not the “normal” actions of my friends.))) 

When I’ve been able to remain completely carb free, and stay in ketosis, I’ve found that the emotional outbursts are fewer than if I pop out of ketosis and try to jump back into it.  Just be ready for it, and know that you are NOT going nuts if it happens to you.  It might just be the diet, or you might need a snack!  Keep KETO snacks handy.  Seriously, buy them before you get started, because it is REALLY difficult to find KETO snacks on the go!  My go to are Sogo Snacks; they have a no sugar variety pack.  (My referral link =>  The original flavor is my favorite and they are relatively “clean” when it comes to snacks.

(If YOU have a go-to snack, please let us all know about it in the comments below.)

Again, I’m not a doctor, nor am I a scientist, so I can’t give you the science behind these wicked emotional outbursts, but it probably has to do with fundamentally changing the way your body burns fat.  However, with the weight that I’ve lost, I’ve found the outbursts to be worth it.

Tip #3 – Make Sure You Are in Ketosis Regularly

So, I’ve found a couple of ways that I can avoid emotional outbursts.  First, make sure you EAT (this diet, as opposed to others I’ve tried in the past) is NOT about starving yourself.  DO NOT LET yourself go hungry.  Second, make sure that you are, in fact, in ketosis and do it regularly.  Every single person, who I have met on this diet has been surprised by the amount of sugar he or she encounters on a daily basis.  Sugar is in so many items that are often discounted by the public as non caloric, sugar free items.  To combat this, check every label of every item you eat and test often to make sure you are actually in ketosis.

Have you heard of KETO strips yet?  Well, these babies are what I live by.  I check my urine several times a day to make sure that I stay in ketosis.  (If I fall out of ketosis, I stop burning fat. If I stop burning fat, I stop losing weight.  So, it’s to my advantage to know that I’m still in ketosis.)  Testing is very easy to do.  You just take a strip out of the package and hold it in your urine stream for a moment (enough time to get it wet).  Then you wait for the time indicated on the testing package.  (Most tests will give you a reading in a few seconds.)  Then you compare your strip to the color chart on the testing package.  As a general rule, you’re working toward a deep pink to maroon color.

I use the Nurse Hatty strips.  (My referral link =>  BTW Nurse Hatty also has other (female-friendly) products that might interest you.

Tip #4 – Be Careful with Sugar & Sugar Substitutes

So, once you know that you are in ketosis, obviously, you now know that you need to stay away from sugar.  For my KETO diet, I live by the rule to stay under 20 grams of carbs a day.  That really isn’t that many carbs. (There are plenty of people out there that measure their “metrics,” because the amount of tolerable carbs, protein, and fat are different for everyone.  Twenty is my number, and it’s what I live by; however, it might not be your number.  How do you find out what your “metrics” are?  This FREE Macro calculator is awesome!  ~ Give it a try, and it will let you know how many calories, fats, carbs, and proteins you should consume every day.

So, I know that you know that sugar can really screw up your system and your KETO diet, but did you know that you need to avoid sugar substitutes too?  Here’s a comprehensive blog post from the Keto Diet App that explains everything about all of the natural and artificial sugar substitutes that you may come across during your KETO diet.  Personally, I prefer natural sugar alternatives like Erythritol and Stevia.  I have low blood-sugar issues, and these seem to keep me “on the level.”  With that said, there are artificial sugar substitutes out there that make me dizzy when I consume them, so I just stay away from those completely!

Tip #5 – Be VERY Careful with Alcohol

In addition to knowing what sugar and sugar substitutes you should and should not have, be careful with alcohol!  I can’t stress this point enough.  When you are in ketosis, your body, specifically, your kidneys and liver are working on overdrive to help you burn that fat.  Adding alcohol to the mix, not only stops your ketosis (remember, no ketosis, no weight loss), but it also puts a heck of a strain on your body.   I’m not a huge drinker, but I do occasionally like to have a beer or a cocktail during social gatherings.  I’ve found that my body can reasonably take ONE drink.  (When I say beer or cocktail, I mean a Corona Premium (Low Carb beer) or a vodka and water with a slice of lime.  Any “normal” beers or drinks are out of the question for me, because one drink will wipe away all of the carbs I have to use in a day.)  I also make sure to drink a full glass of water, after I have my drink.  Otherwise, I’m in for a nasty headache.  (Does anyone out there have any other “drinking” tips? I’d love to hear them!)

In terms of having a drink (or two, if your body can handle it) make sure not to ruin your diet by then succumbing to the “munchies.”  I’ll tell you right now, that spread the host has laid out for the guests to enjoy is FULL of CARBS!  Do yourself a favor and go somewhere that the food is not stationed.  🙂

I also tend to bring some sparkling water with me, so it “feels” like I am still partying with my friends, but in actuality I’ve stopped drinking.

Tip #6 – You Might Become Irregular, at Least I Did!

Aside from NOT being the life of the party, you might find, as I did that you become irregular.  Or maybe not… Honestly, I can’t speak for your experience, but I became irregular on the KETO diet. 

For some, this is not a big deal.  However, for me, it was quite jarring.  It was so upsetting, because I am regular and have been since having my first kiddo.  I don’t remember being a day off of my cycle for any month, aside for my pregnancies.  When in March, I missed a day, then a week, then two, I started to worry that I might be pregnant.  Nope, I just missed a month of my period!  Ahh!  I was really torn up about it and thought I might be forcing my body into menopause.  LOL!  No such luck.  My period came back the next month and has again been as regular again.  Hopefully, you don’t experience this side effect!

Tip #7 – Use Exogenous Ketones, If You Need To

Aside from concerns about irregularity, you might be concerned about getting into and staying in ketosis.  That’s where exogenous ketones come into play.

What the heck are exogenous ketones you ask? 

Well, thank you modern science, because these bad boys might just save the day for you here and there.  When you are trying to train your body to switch from metabolizing sugar to metabolizing fat, it will take some time.   This supplement will help you to stay at optimal levels of ketone production.  (((You can also use this, if you cheat during a meal.  While I wouldn’t recommend cheating a lot, you may find it necessary at some point.  If this is the case, make sure to have some ketones available to you.)))  You can also take these daily to ensure that you remain steadily in ketosis.

(Here’s my referral link =>  If you search “Exogenous Ketones” on Amazon, you will note that there are hundreds of options on there, but not all are created equal.  This is my favorite of the products I’ve tried.  The company, Kegenix, also has a host of other KETO products into which you may want to look as you get comfortable with the diet.  (For instance, at some point, you may need a meal replacement supplement, and this chocolate one is delicious!)

Tip #8 – Plan to do KETO for a Set Amount of Time

When you’re in ketosis, even with the help of exogenous ketones, the weight loss begins!  It’s amazing!  It’s great!  There’s nothing quite like having your friends tell you how great you look!  Then they start asking you questions…

Once I started to lose weight friends starting contacting me and asking me about the KETO diet.  For most, the idea of leaving sugar behind seemed so daunting.  (I started the KETO diet in January, just as everyone I knew was having a huge sugar crash from the holidays.)  Then folks started planning for vacations, like cruises and all inclusive resorts.  How could you ever enjoy something like a cruise without being able to eat and drink to your heart’s content?  Since I don’t travel much and was more concerned with my health than how great I looked, January was the perfect time to start some new habits.

However, constantly doing KETO and not being able to let loose, skip a workout, or have one and a half beers, eventually becomes daunting.  So, do yourself a favor and go KETO for a certain amount of time and then take a break.

At the six month mark, (((right now))), I decided to take a break. It’s been a great choice for me.

I’m not back to my previous eating ways (I still don’t eat bread, chips, etc.), I’ve just allowed my body to fall out of ketosis and rest for a bit.  In another week, I’m going back on KETO for three months and then will continue with a three months on, 1 month off schedule.)  ~  I feel good, but not as great as I did when I was perpetually in ketosis.  While in ketosis, I have so much energy; I never need a nap, I can accomplish more, and I generally feel fitter!

Tip #9 – Plan Your Meals – Fast Food is NOT an Option on KETO

There’s no doubt that it feels great to be in a fat burning mode!  If you’re in ketosis, plan to stay in it as much as possible.  Planning your meals is essential to KETO success.  If I go out with friends, I eat before I go.  I’d rather eat than starve, feel crappy and tell someone off (inadvertently, of course! LOL! – see Tip #2 for context).  Fast food restaurants just don’t offer options for the KETO diet, even most of the salads are full of extra carbs and junk your body doesn’t need.  If I really need something to eat, and I didn’t pack a Sogo Snack, I’ll stop at a grocery store and buy some hard-boiled eggs and a cheese stick.  However, this can get pricey fast (especially when you buy individually packaged items), so I try to pre-plan my meals and take my food with me for the day. 

(BTW I eat a lot of eggs; it’s a great thing that I have chickens, because I’m not sure what I would do without 2-dozen eggs in my fridge at all time!)

Tip #10 – There are Happy Side Effects

It’s true there is a ton of stuff that you need to be aware of when you do the KETO diet, but there are some really fun things that happen too. 

Now, these are MY happy side effects, but the more I read, the more people I find who have had similar outcomes. I hope you experience some of these happy side effects too!

First, I have less pain.  Before I started the KETO diet, I felt like I was 80!  Every morning that I woke up, I would limp down the hallway, until I stretched enough to go about my day.  From what I understand, this might have to do with the inflammation in my body going down.  (I’ll take it!)  I feel great when I wake up, I feel rested and pain free.  🙂 It’s been great.

Second, and you’re NOT going to believe this one:  I think I have fewer wrinkles!  This might be my mind playing tricks on my, but I look at myself and I truly believe I look younger.  You know, that youthful glow of pregnancy?  I’ve noticed it in my face.  Again, I might be imagining it, but let me live out this fantasy OK?!? 🙂

Third, not only do I think I look younger, for the first year ever since moving to Western New York, my hands didn’t get dry or cracked during the harsh winter months.  I, literally, cannot believe this one!  When I first noticed it, I started looking around to make sure it wasn’t something everyone was experiencing. Nope!  Just me!  I didn’t have to use an ounce of moisturizer this winter.  YAY!

Could I have had a fat deficiency (is this a thing?) all these years?  (Again, this isn’t scientific, just me pondering something…)  Before the KETO diet, fat was the last thing I would ever put in my body.  Now, on a high-fat diet, I no longer need moisturizer!  I have to attribute that happy side effect to the KETO diet!

Fourth, in addition to my youthful, glowing skin, I fit into smaller sizes.  Do you know how wonderful it feels for your clothes to fall off of you after years of them being too tight?  I hope you do, and if you don’t yet, I hope you find out, because it is the best feeling imaginable!  How superficial of me to say this, but, honestly, it feels great to be comfortable in my own skin, especially when that skin looks the way I want it to!

Fifth, and finally, if you feel like you look great, you start to act like you look great.  That’s my final Happy Side Effect of the KETO diet.  My self confidence has improved tenfold, since I started this diet back in January.  I may not be at my “target” weight quite yet, but I finally feel like something is working for me. 

As I’m sure many of you know, it’s terribly self defeating when you try to watch what you eat, and you workout, but you don’t lose any weight.  Or worse yet, you gain weight!  Ever since having children, my body has changed.  It hasn’t been as easy for me to get back into shape as it used to be pre-kids.  The KETO diet has changed that for me, and I feel fantastic!  I hope you experience the same thing!

That’s it for my 10 Must-Know KETO Tips for Women in Their 40s!  I hope you found them useful.

What do you hope your HAPPY SIDE EFFECTS will be?  Let us know in the comments below!
Happy KETO-ing, my friends, I can’t wait to hear how you do!

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